Online and Digital Licensing

If you operate a service that streams sound recordings online, then you will need a licence.
This is because streaming sound recordings online involves two exclusive rights of copyright owners: the reproduction of the sound recording for the purpose of creating the program and the communication of those sound recordings over the internet.
Internet Radio Licences
The PPCA Internet Radio Licence covers both of these activities for sound recordings controlled by PPCA's licensors and released on their labels, and is available to operators based in Australia whose users access the service within Australia.
Non-interactive Streaming Licence:
This licence is for online streaming services that provide a linear non-interactive streaming service, such as an internet radio station. Non-interactive streaming excludes elements which permit listeners to control what content is played or when the content is played. For example, it excludes playing the content on demand (such as a podcast) or the ability to select, pause, fast forward or skip content. If you wish to offer an on-demand streaming service, you will need to seek a licence directly from the respective copyright holders of the tracks that you would like to stream.
Semi-Interactive/Customised Internet Radio Streaming Licence:
This licence is for online streaming services where listeners can control the content that is played by selecting particular genres, expressing preferences for particular artists, or pausing or skipping the content, such as a customised internet radio station. The licence does not allow listeners to select a particular track or play any content on demand (such as a podcast). If you wish to offer an on-demand streaming service, you will need to seek a licence directly from the respective copyright holders of the tracks that you would like to stream.
Please note that certain repertoire exclusions apply to this licence.
How Do I Apply for an Internet Radio Licence?
To apply for an Internet Radio Licence please fill out our online form.
For more information please email
Background Music Licences
Background Music Providers Streaming Licence:
This licence is for services who provide a linear non-interactive streaming service for the purpose of delivering sound recordings or music videos to venues to be played as background music. This is appropriate for services which provide a linear stream of tracks/music videos into a venue and do not provide users with the ability to select tracks/music videos, pause, skip or otherwise control the delivery of the tracks/music videos.
Background Music on Websites Licence:
If you want to use sound recordings as background music on your website, PPCA can offer a licence which permits you to use between 10 to 15 sound recordings from different artists on a random loop. Please note that this licence does not allow you to synchronise sound recordings with any videos that you may upload to your website or to associate any particular sound recording with any particular webpage, product or service.
How Do I Apply for a Background Music Licence:
Please email and include a description of your proposed service.
Digital Licence for Broadcasters and Subscription Video On Demand Services (SVOD)
PPCA has a range of digital licences for radio and television broadcasters. The licences are available to broadcasters based in Australia who hold a valid PPCA broadcast licence, and who wish to communicate their programs to online users. This includes a licence for catch up viewing/listening or certain types of podcasting.
PPCA also has a licence available for subscription video streaming services that provides on demand film and television content within Australia (SVOD). The PPCA licence covers the communication of sound recordings embodied within the content that is made available via these services.
How Do I Apply for a Digital Licence or where can I find more information?
Please email and include a description of your proposed service.
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