Lost Licensors

If your name is on this list, you've previously registered with us but we're no longer able to contact you . Please contact us as soon as possible.

3Way Entertainment
80 Five Entertainment
Acts 2 Pty Ltd
Adrian Follington
Adrian Frisina
Airom Bleicher
Aloha Management Pty Ltd
Amber Records Aust Pty Ltd
Amber Ursnik
Andermer P.L.
Apertif Records Pty Ltd
Artistocrat P/L
Audrey Auld
August Way
Belles Will Ring
Ben McMaster
Benedict Woodley
Big Love Productions
Big Strum
Black Lakes Band
Blue Bandicoot
Brett Goodwin
Bryan Wiseman
Bunza Entertainment International Pty Ltd
Cameron Lee
CandyShop Recordings
Carmen O'Brien
Caroline Kennedy - McCracken
Casual Projects
Catherine O'Brien
Chasin Aces
Chasin Aces
Chookie Pty Ltd
Chris Bresland
Christopher Coleman
Colossal Records
Crusade Records
Cyndi And The Drums
D.TAnderton&S.A Barnes&E.E Fllores&P.T Hillier
Da Capo Singers
Daisy Hicks
Dale Randolph
Dancing Heals
Dangerous Tourist
Daniel Arvidson
Danielle Deckard Music
Dave Walker
Dear Stalker
Dennis Garcia
Dog Whistle Music Pty Ltd
Dominic Byrne
Dual Image Productions
Ease From Absence
EB Music Productions Australia
Electric Fields Production Trust
Elektra Productions
Endgame Records
Estate of Ross Kettle
Evolver Music Inc
Everyhead Productions Pty Ltd
False Peak Records
Fierce Mild
Finley Miller
Flight Facilities
Floating Point Music Pty Ltd
Gerard Masters
Glencoe Records
Good Time Distribution Services, LLC
Grainger Lock
Grandview Records
Grant Bulmer
Green Chimneys Records Pty Ltd
Greg Coulson
Guinlee Music
Hardrush Music Corporation Limited
Hayden Woolf
Hindley Records
Horace Bones
Hungry Koala Records
Hussy Hicks
Hype Recordings Pty Ltd
Ian Muir
Illegal Cargo Records
Inner Light Entertainment Pty Ltd
Isabel Dayman
J. Fox Soul Pty Ltd
J.A.M. Records
J.J. Harris & J.E. Harris
Jane Saunders
Jarrad Bowles
Jesse Kot
Jodie Ranger
Joel Barker Music
Joel Robinson
John Hedigan
Jose Barroso
Kanchana Karunaratna
Kast Away Pty Ltd
Katrina Burgoyne
Kedron Taylor - Classic Australian Life
Keith Mason
King Of The North
KM Music
KMC Records
Kylie Scheiwe
Last House on the Left
Lazy Susan
Leonardo Esposito
Leticia Maher
Little Black Book
Lloyd Barber
Lolly Box Music Pty Ltd
Loon Lake
Lostraxx Records LLC
Love Like Hate
Louise Furney
Love Is My Velocity Pty Ltd
Lucian McGuiness
Lyfeik Records
Majorbox Music
Marcus Ross
Marieca Page
Mark Pope Music
Marlin Records
Marshall Okell
Mat Recordings
Matthew Archer
Matthew Fagan
Michael Horsphol
Michael Thomas
Michelle Vlasak
Mistin Arambula
Monique Boggia
Mt Warning P/L
Multiplay Music Ltd.
Murphy Media Academy Pty Ltd
Musik Lounge Records
My Shore Productions Pty Ltd
Mayah Clarke
Nanna’s Cane
Nasrah Muthmainnah
Natalie Neugebauer
Neil Wise
New Galaxy Records
Off The Hip
Oliver Sol
One Way Frequency
Oracle Records
Original Works
Paul Di Renzo
Phat Planet Music Media
Possum Music
Radio Caroline South
Rage 8
Rayzor Records Pty Ltd
Rebecca Lloyd
Rebza Productions
Rendition Records
Revealmusix Ltd
Rich Lucano
Richard Grace
Ricky McCormack
Ride A Wave Productions
Rob Longstaff
Rob Wilson
Rochelle Komar 
Rock Hawk Records Pty Ltd
Rocksugar Music Pty Ltd
Rod Dowsett
Rogue Music Aus Pty Ltd
Rose Entertainment
Ryan Enright
Ryan Toohey
Ryjo Records Pty Ltd
S.J Braithwaite-Lloyd & S.W Marynissen
Sam Buckingham
Sarah Tuckerman
Scoundrel Records
Screensong Pty Ltd
Selection Records
Shane Kavanagh
Shannon Lewis
Sherridan Leigh
Shock Octopus
Short&Curly Music
Shostroud Productions Inc.
SJE Records
Sly City Entertainment
Sokaris Music
Smash Music
Sotto Voce Music
Speak N' Spell Records P/L
Split Records
Stephen Farquhar
Stereolife Records
Steven Jaymes
Steven Thomson
Stringmansassy Pty Ltd
Stuart Robertson
Sub Conscious Records
Sub Continental Dub
Subterranean Records
Sunday Morning Records
Super Wild Horses
Susan Lewin
Swaggie Records
Swingin' Door Productions
Tara Simmons
Teacup Music
Terese Millhouse
The Acca Daiquiris
The April Maze
The Chaperones
The Dead Abigails
The Hanging Tree
The Honey Palace
The On Fires
The Trustee for Lacunae Glow Trust
Thirds Music
Translator Records
Triple 7 Records
Trojan House Records
Troy Wright
United Music Entertainment Pty Ltd
United World Artists
Vyvyan Lyde
Warrior Girl Music
Way Of The Eagle Pty Ltd
Whitaker Music
Yes You
Your Angle Pty Ltd

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