Public Performance Licence From OneMusic

Do you play music at your business? You may require a public performance licence to cover the copyright in the music you play. OneMusic Australia will be able to help.
OneMusic Australia is a joint licensing initiative between PPCA and Australia’s other music copyright collecting society, APRA AMCOS.
OneMusic Australia offers businesses a simple way of acquiring the necessary licences to legally play music on their premises by offering a single blanket licence which covers the copyright in millions of songs.
If you need to obtain a public performance licence, get in touch with OneMusic Australia via:
- their website:
- email:, or
- telephone: 1300 162 162
PPCA continues to offer blanket licences covering the copyright in sound recordings for a number of other licensing schemes. This includes radio and television broadcast licensing, simulcast licensing, and other online uses such as internet radio and audiovisual streaming.
For more information about copyright and the types of licences PPCA has to offer, please go to Music Licensing.
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