Eisteddfod Licensing

Eisteddfod Licensing
PPCA, together with ARIA and APRA AMCOS, has introduced a blanket licence solution to cover the use of sound recordings and copyright music at eisteddfods.
Eisteddfods are unique in that they generally need multiple music licences and permissions from copyright owners. This includes obligations to APRA AMCOS and the sound recording rights holders (via PPCA, ARIA and the relevant record label or artist).
What is included in the licence?
The Eisteddfod Licensing Scheme covers all live performances of copyright musical works, the playing of copyright sound recordings as backing tracks and the copying of sound recordings by entrants for uses such as backing tracks. The scheme includes some commercial dance, calisthenics and cheerleading competitions. For more information on what the licence covers, please visit the OneMusic Australia website.
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