PPCA Newsletter Winter Edition 2024

20 June 2024

Radio Fair Play

The committee considering whether to pass the Fair Pay for Radio Play Bill is due to report this week. PPCA has been supporting this move that would allow us to negotiate a fair rate for artists and licensors when it comes to the use of sound recordings on radio. A recent report we commissioned found that Australian artists could be earning 78% more income if the radio caps were removed, while radio would maintain healthy profit margins. See more below:

If you want to support PPCA on our mission to ensure fair pay for all artists, or to read more about the report click here.



Indie-Con 2024

PPCA will be attending Indie-Con 2024 – and we’d love to talk to you. Indie-Con is held 31 July – 2 August in Adelaide and coincides with AIR (Australian Independent Record Labels Association) Awards. The distribution team will be on hand to talk to attendees about our work. 

If you’re attending Indie-Con 2024, keep an eye out for our booth. If you want to book a specific time to chat, contact us at distribution.mail@ppca.com.au.



Recording Registration "Cut Off"

The registration cut-off for your recordings to be included in PPCA’s December 2024 Distribution (covering the year ended 30 June 2024) is 31 August 2024, so now is the time to get your registrations in if you haven’t done so already.

If you have recordings to register, you can do it by completing the Track Registration Form.


Grants and Funding for labels and Artists

There are still heaps of grants and funds available for artists and labels. Check out our updated grant guide here.